
Why The Holidays Are A Great Time For Cosmetic Surgery
December 11, 2020

Countless people opt to have both invasive and non-invasive cosmetic procedures during the holiday season. From injectable dermal fillers and laser skin resurfacing to liposuction and breast augmentation; this is the perfect time of year to revitalize your looks and renew your confidence for the new year by making the aesthetic changes you’ve always wanted. […]

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Why Eye Care Is A Skincare Essential
November 9, 2020

An often neglected area of your skin is your eyes. Many people do not consider specifically treating the area around their eyes as part of their daily routine. However, it is vital that you take care of the skin around your eyes to ensure younger and healthier skin. This is because the skin found around […]

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Facelift Recovery: From Day 1 to Day 30
October 23, 2020

The facelift is one of the best ways to rejuvenate your look and reduce signs of aging like wrinkles, folds, and sagging. If you’re considering a facelift, then you’re on your way to a younger, more refreshed version of yourself. You should know that your recovery is the most important part of your procedure, however, […]

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10 Reasons to Consider Breast Augmentation
September 11, 2020

Breast augmentation is consistently the most popular cosmetic procedure performed each year. There are a lot of reasons that women consider breast augmentation, and it can be helpful to look at the benefits as you schedule your consultation with your plastic surgeon. Here are ten reasons to consider this option and how it can help. […]

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All You Need to Know About Laser Hair Removal
August 17, 2020

It is common to hear individuals raving about the results of their laser hair removal treatments.  Before you decide if this treatment is right for you, it is wise to take some time to learn more about it. It All Starts with a Consultation Before you can have laser hair removal treatments performed, you must […]

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Silicone or Saline Implants?
August 11, 2020

If you are considering getting a breast augmentation, there are two types of breast implants from which you can choose: saline and silicone. Both options are FDA approved and give women a similar look. Of course, regardless of these factors, there are both pros and cons of each type of implant. Knowing the facts can […]

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Is SkinTyte Right for You?
July 2, 2020

Loose skin due to weight loss or surgery can affect your appearance and lower your self-esteem. In addition to that, extra sagging skin can make you look older, yet you are still young. On that account, Dr. Richardson can remedy the situation once you book an appointment. The good news is that due to technological […]

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How to Revamp Your Indoor Skin Care
May 14, 2020

The world is currently going through a crisis that has forced people to stay at home as they observe social distancing. Many people are now working from home, which translates to more time spent indoors. With this, you can easily neglect your skin. Most individuals take care of their skin only when they have an […]

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Why Does Skin Begin to Sag?
April 22, 2020

Premature aging of the skin is one of the primary skincare concerns that people have when they seek cosmetic procedures. No matter how diligent you are about taking care of your skin, the natural aging process as well as environmental factors and lifestyle choices can all start to show over time. While men are concerned […]

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