Considering a Tummy Tuck? Here’s What to Expect From Abdominoplasty

Aging, pregnancy, and weight fluctuations can cause the abdomen to sag or protrude. This problem can make some people feel unattractive. A tummy tuck is a surgical procedure that tightens and lifts the abdomen, for a smoother look. Dr. Daniel Richardson performs this surgery at his Mississippi practice. 

What Is A Tummy Tuck?

Loose skin, excess fat, and weakened muscles all can interfere with an ideal abdomen. The skin, muscles, and underlying supportive tissue of this area can become stretched out by pregnancy or weight gain, or can begin to sag because of the aging process. A tummy tuck, also called an “abdominoplasty,” is a cosmetic procedure that improves the appearance of the abdominal area. A good candidate for the surgery has completed their childbearing, are in general good health, and at a stable weight. You should also not be a smoker, which can affect healing.

How A Tummy Tuck Is Performed

Dr. Richardson will carefully evaluate you before the surgery is performed. Sedation and general anesthesia are provided during the surgery. The incision is done in the lower abdomen, below the bikini line. Excess skin is then removed. A second incision may be needed at the belly button to remove excess skin in the upper abdomen. After the surgery, the skin and belly button will be repositioned to suit the new contours for a natural look. 

Tummy Tuck Or Liposuction?

The tummy tuck procedure is done when the abdominal skin is so loose that liposuction would not achieve the desired result. However, liposuction to remove fat may be done along with the tummy tuck for an attractive abdominal contour.

Recovery Time After Tummy Tuck

After the procedure, you will receive dressings on the incisions and an elastic bandage around your body to reduce swelling. Small thin tubes are placed into the incisions to drain blood and fluid from the area. Dr. Richardson will provide detailed instructions on care after the incision, as well as medications to prevent infection and reduce discomfort. You will have to limit your activities for some time to allow your incisions to heal completely.

Cost of Tummy Tuck Procedures

The cost of tummy tuck surgery can vary from one part of the country to another. In most cases, a repeat procedure will not be necessary. Another pregnancy or large weight gain and loss may require a repeat procedure.

The tummy tuck procedure has become a popular way to restore tightness to the abdomen, for a better appearance and greater self-confidence. Dr. Daniel Richardson can help you get back to the form you had in earlier years. Contact his office today to schedule a consultation. 


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