5 Things to Know Before Getting Laser Hair Removal

Many people deal with unwanted hair growth on their face and body. This is especially bothersome if you prefer a soft, smooth look. Shaving and waxing are effective but are also only temporary solutions. However, there is a painless, long-term option available for getting rid of body and facial hair in laser hair removal.
What is Laser Hair Reduction?
Laser hair removal treatments have long been extremely popular and are highly sought-after to this day, as new devices and technologies hit the market. In general, the procedure works by using light or laser energy concentrated on the hair follicles in the problem area which the pigment in the hair absorbs. In this process, the light or laser energy converts to heat and kills the hair follicles within the skin, which, depending on your desired results, can either prevent new hair growth or delay it.
There are five key tips that can help you prepare for a laser hair removal treatment plan.
1. Don’t Shave Before Your Treatment
In order for laser hair removal to work, the hair in the treatment area needs to be at least a little long for the laser to be able to target follicles accurately. While you may consider waxing or plucking in preparation, you should avoid doing these, as they can adversely affect your treatment. Dr. Richardson may shave or trim hair that is too long, but it is best to let him do it at the time of the procedure.
2. Have Multiple Treatments for Best Results
Obviously, all hairs are different and have varying conditions and growth rates. Laser hair removal treatment usually works better with lighter skin tones and darker hair. It’s important to know that only around 80% of hair follicles are destroyed with laser hair removal. The procedure is usually more effective if you have multiple treatment sessions, although it’s worth mentioning that there’s no guarantee of permanent results.
3. Don’t Apply Products to Your Skin
You should avoid applying any products to your skin in the treatment area before your scheduled hair removal treatment. This includes powders and lotions, but in general, any skincare products have ingredients that can adversely react to the laser. You could be left with skin irritation, pigmentation issues, or even burns.
4. Learn About Post-Treatment Irritation
It’s helpful to research about the laser hair removal process before actually getting the treatment. You can learn about the potential side effects you may experience, which helps you to be better prepared and plan your schedule accordingly. After your treatment, it’s normal to have some irritation and swelling. These side effects subside after a few days. You can get relief by applying a cold or warm compress to the area. You can also always ask Dr. Richardson about ways to minimize side effects either before or after your procedure.
5. Avoid Sun Exposure
Even if it’s unwanted, hair has a purpose. One of them is to protect your body from radiation from the sun. When you have laser hair removal, your skin is more vulnerable to the sun’s harmful UV rays. Also consider that being treated with laser energy makes the skin temporarily more sensitive to UV damage from the sun, so be sure to wear sunscreen whenever you plan to be outside following laser hair reduction.
Laser Hair Reduction in Gulfport
If you are in Mississippi and are interested in getting laser hair removal treatment, the best way to find out how this treatment can benefit you is to talk to an expert like Dr. Daniel Richardson. During a consultation about laser hair reduction, Dr. Richardson can explain how the treatment works, what areas you’d like to be treated, and give you expectations about your results. To schedule a consultation, call us or contact us online today!